Ariel Frischer

Software Engineer. Neovim enthusiast 🧑🏽‍💻

Primarily coding with Typescript, Python, or Ruby.

Tech Stack

Built with T3 + Chakra UI

This website's tech stack is modern, fun, and developer friendly. I love the end-to-end type safety made possible with server actions of Next.js - TRPC is no longer needed.

Open-source web development framework created by Vercel enabling React-based web applications with server-side rendering and generating static websites.
Simple, modular and accessible component library with the building blocks needed to generate comprehensive React UI.
Strongly typed programming language that builds on, and transpiles to JavaScript.
Tailwind CSS
CSS framework allowing quick and easy inline css with multiple helper utility classes.
Data Mapper ORM that differs from traditional ORMs and doesn't suffer from the problems commonly associated with them.